Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Anzac Day posting

I have taken advantage of the public holiday to add quite alot of postings to this page. Alot of the postings are stories or anecdotes that I have written over the course of the last few years while living and working at Utopia. Some people may have read these before as I wrote them first as emails to friends and family as a way of helping them understand my life out here.
I have also added photos from our recent trip to Melbourne - which I wrote about in the posting entitled First Times.
I will, of course, add some more current anecdotes as they happen, but for now this seems like a nice way of recording my experiences.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa .. stumbled upon your blog via a link from Jeffy's page!

I had so much fun reading about your trip to the Commonwealth Games - it must have just been a magical experience! The smiles that come with the "first times" must have made all the logistical challenges oh so worthwhile!

Hope this finds you well!

Jeff said...

I'm hangin' out for the next public holiday! Please write before then Lisa!