Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Prime Minister called Kev

In this week's Saturday Age there was a column by Warick McFadyen criticising our new Prime Minister on his name and its lack of grandeur. He suggests that while Howard bore 'a name strewn along the historical timeline' the name 'Kevin' holds 'absolutely no prominence at all'. The basic premise seems to be that the name Kevin has never been big in European historical terms. Even more the writer is disparaging about the fact that a Kevin is more likely to be a cricket or footy watcher, a tradesman or something else equally everyday and humble.

My response - it's about bloody time! What is wrong with a little humility in our leadership?

The first people I think of when I think of the name Kevin are:
1. Kev Carmondy - a true poet of Australia who writes songs of honesty and compassion. An Aboriginal man who calls for justice and understanding in a quiet voice and who has influenced many of the songwriters and artists of his generation. He has been called Australia's Bob Dylan.
2. Kev from Sea Change - by far my favorite character and the glue that holds Pearl Bay together. In fact my favorite Sea Change episode of all time is the one where all of the old people in the district start having road accidents and it turns outthey are being forced to drive becasue Kevin's van has broken down and he is the one who usually runs their errands for them. He is a man of simplicity and compassion. He cares about his family and his community and holds no delusions of grandeur.

One can only hope that the characteristics on display from these well known Australian Kevins will hold true in our new Prime Minister!


Anonymous said...

Kev of Pearl Bay is actually played by an actor named Kev: Kevin Harrington. And no 'good' Catholic (Mr Rudd among them) would overlook Kevin of Glendalough, the 6th-century Irish saint.

Lisa said...

I know! I met 'Kev' once and went up to him not knowing his real name was Kevin. I said 'gidday Kev' like it was a line in Sea Change and we had an awkward moment where he thought we actually knew each other. He got past it by saying he was going to get another beer!
I've never heard of Saint Kevin bu then I'm not Catholic!!

Major Adventures said...

What about Kevin Bloody Wilson?