Monday, October 13, 2008

addicted to Facebook

For months I haven't been focusing on my blog and I realise now that it's because I have the IT equivalent of a new man in my life - Facebook. Now, stop rolling your eyes and letting out that disapproving grunt. I've heard them all and I dont care. I love getting peoples status feeds and getting a brief sense of how they are day to day. I love playing scrabble with friends on the other side of the world. I love how quickly things get turned into groups and speed around the globe. I love discovering that a friend who i haven't spoken to for ages is online as the same time as me and having a 5 minute or two hour chat session with them.

I know all of the arguments about not everyone having access to the internet, and it replacing actually spending time with people, and that it is just another thing to create a username and password for. Yes it is all of that, but I still love it. I was at a conference a couple of months ago where I heard someone talk about the things educators feared about the internet - that students would use it to cheat on essays and tests. in fact the vast majority of people use it for social interaction.

My world is global. I have friends, great friends, who i love, who live on the other side of the world. I have family and friends who live in another state. I wish we lived closer and had the opportunity to catch up face to face more easily, more often. But until they develop teleportation, I'm going to stick with Facebook because it means that at least my Facebook friends can be part of my everyday life.

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